oo llokum me arra je pasha zotin krejt loqk te kom kurpot sho ne tv po du met hanger si dredhz veq edhe ni kshill shum posh e ke qit vetin e at gerdhajen qe eke ba femr se ti e meriton missin ebotes qe egziston nje bukurr te rradh ne bot te dua shum arta edhe nanen ja ... ooooooooooooooo shpat njerin ma te keq qe ekam pa ndojher je ti syt e pisit iki ti po shko gjuju me naj bunar e mos dil ma kurr edhe mos ti pafsha ata sy me fal qe po te ofendoj po qeshtu mendoj per ty. ...
... Anton Lekaj and Arben Shkupi, alias "Zifa", responsible for the kidnapping and maltreatment of non-Albanian population detained in the "Paštrik"Hotel cellar, where Vokshi had established an improvised prison and was its commander. ..... Jovanka Stolic and Draga Biberchic, in the village of Ljug, Bunar and the sisters Milka and Milica Slavkovic, from the village of Brekovac, as well as two former members of the Djakovica police department, Pasha Cerimu, ...
Čopori pastirskih pasa poslušno su čekali svoje gospodare da se probude, pa da ih povedu ka udaljenim prostranstvima pašnjaka. Doggery pastirskih dogs are in abeyance waiting for his master to wake up, and brought them to a remote ...